The family loaded up in our Kia mini van and took a day trip to Chicago last weekend. It was great. We had a good lunch at Portillo's a fun family oriented restaurant known for hot dogs and Italian beef sandwiches, the kids loved it!
Elise is a very strong baby! She will be 3 months next week but acts more like a 10 month old. She will talk your ear off these days and loves to sit in the high chair and play with her toys. She is even lifting her head and body to try to sit up. And unlike our other 2 kiddos at this age she now loves her tummy time! She takes what I call a cat nap in the morning now around 10:30 am for about 30 mins then a long 2 hour nap in the afternoon around 3:00 pm then is awake from 5:00 pm until her bedtime which she has made herself at around 9:00 ish. Then every night she now wakes up around 4:00 am for a quick snack then is up for the morning at 8:00 am. The girl has a clock in her head. She is very scheduled!:)
Not only does Elise Claire look like you ...she is a human clock like you as well! Mario looks like he has his hands full lol in a good way of course. The kiddos look like they are having a great time, and Elise is so stinkin cute in that pink cap! Miss you!
Cute pic's. And what a cute outfit Elise has looks familiar! :) Your kids always look cute and happy! I'm hoping you get your wish for a short winter.
Not only does Elise Claire look like you ...she is a human clock like you as well! Mario looks like he has his hands full lol in a good way of course. The kiddos look like they are having a great time, and Elise is so stinkin cute in that pink cap! Miss you!
She's looking so grown up already! Love the chubby cheeks!!
Elise is so cute! I almost didn't recognize her without a hat.
Cute pic's. And what a cute outfit Elise has looks familiar! :)
Your kids always look cute and happy! I'm hoping you get your wish for a short winter.
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