Friday, January 21, 2011

Elise,caught red handed...

Elise keeps us on our toes that is for sure. Today while I was cleaning she found a small Polly doll toy that she obviously knew she wasn't supposed to have or she wouldn't have found this hiding spot between the bookcase and wall to admire it. When I found her she actually hid the toy in her sleeve so fast that she pulled her shirt up with it. My camera just happened to be close by so I snapped a quick picture. Sneaky girl, she loves to look at all Emma's Polly doll stuff but she sometimes just can resist the urge of putting them in her mouth. So we don't allow her to play with them unsupervised. But every now and then Emma leaves a small Polly purse or shoe out and Elise always finds them. She is so sneaky. :)

1 comment:

Michelle Shults said...

That mischievous smile gives her away. She is so cute!